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Arland K. Nichols |
Dear Friends of Life and Family,
Not only should Americans be aware of the attack on religious liberty by the Obama administration through the implementation of the HHS contraception mandate, the mandate also attacks women's health by spreading disinformation about the risks associated with contraception use.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendation adopted by HHS makes the claim that for women who use contraception "side effects are generally considered minimal." A sweeping statement such as this warrants detailed argumentation and support; instead, the citation for this statement constitutes three "educational pamphlets" from the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and one other dated study. The public was repeatedly assured that the IOM report was an "exhaustive review of the scientific evidence." Yet one of the primary cruxes of the committee's argument -- and one which directly impacts the health of millions of American women -- is sustained by educational pamphlets (here, here and here) which state at the bottom of each that the information given relies on "opinions on subjects related to women's health," and shockingly that "the average readability level of the series ... is grade 6-8." These promotional brochures do not cite even one scientific study.
Thankfully, many medical professionals have not remained silent about the dangers to women's health being pushed for by the Obama administration. One of those medical professionals is Dr. Bill Mueller.
Dr. Mueller, President of the Catholic Physician Guild of San Antonio and a friend of HLI America, recently spoke at a rally opposing the HHS contraception/abortifacient mandate in which he reminded the crowd about the medical dangers posed to women. The rally was organized by "Faith and Freedom First" outside of the San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio, Texas on February 18, 2012.
During his speech Dr. Mueller told the crowd:
What you may not already know is that contraception poses real medical dangers, and this is why we all should be concerned. These dangers have been concealed by lies about the safety and necessity of contraception. These lies have misled Americans to believe that pregnancy is a disease. ... As a physician of good conscience, I am here to tell you that contraceptives increase a woman's risk for cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and even death. As a physician of good conscience, I am here to tell you that contraceptives can cause abortions before a woman even knows she is pregnant. As a physician of good conscience, I am here to tell you that women who think contraception will keep them safe in a relationship often end up used, abused and discarded by men who should be upholding the dignity of our sisters in Christ.
Medical journals have for years published study after study that indicates the deleterious side-effects of oral contraception, but none of these studies were cited in the IOM report. Just last year, the FDA announced a safety-review of the most popular oral contraceptives (Yaz, Yasmin, and Beyaz) on the market in response to recent studies that show that these drugs bring a two to three times greater risk of arterial clots compared to the already high risk associated with other forms of oral contraceptives. This review, conducted by the federal government itself, is not even cited by the IOM.
Dr. Mueller deserves great credit for telling the truth about the danger that contraception poses for women's health in a forum where one might not expect to hear that message. I hope that his courage and clarity serves as an example to all physicians, as their leadership and expertise is desperately needed in this struggle. Please share this video (below) with physicians you know and ask that they consider taking a similar stand in support of women's health.
[Watch Dr. Mueller's full speech.]
[Dr. Mueller’s prepared remarks reproduced below]
[Dr. Mueller’s prepared remarks reproduced below]
Good Afternoon!
My name is Dr. Bill Mueller and I am very proud to be representing the Catholic Physicians Guild of San Antonio at this important event! Thank you to the Faith and Freedom Now coalition for organizing this rally and inviting me to speak today.
You already know that the HHS-mandate violates the First Amendment.
You already know that the HHS-mandate is an unjust attempt by the executive branch of the federal government to bypass Congress.
You already know that the HHS-mandate is just one example of how the federal government is imposing controversial medical practices on employers by trying to pass it off as “health care.”
What you may not already know is that contraception poses real medical dangers, and this is why we all should be concerned. These dangers have been concealed by lies about the safety and necessity of contraception. These lies have misled Americans to believe that pregnancy is a disease. Many Americans now believe that taking a “pill,” when you are not sick, is normal, that sex outside of marriage is okay and that young women are somehow “protected” from harm as long as they are “on the pill.” And now Obamacare and the HHS-mandate are attempting to impose access to contraception by trying to call it “standard preventive health care.”
As a physician of good conscience, I am here to tell you that contraceptives increase a woman’s risk for cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and even death. As a physician of good conscience, I am here to tell you that contraceptives can cause abortions before a woman even knows she is pregnant. As a physician of good conscience, I am here to tell you that women who think contraception will keep them safe in a relationship often end up used, abused and discarded by men who should be upholding the dignity of our sisters in Christ.
Now, Obamacare and the HHS-mandate are targeting organizations, companies and insurers who do not comply with deceitful bureaucratic regulations. I believe that Obamacare and the HHS-mandate is the first step in targeting medical professionals and their right to practice medicine according to their moral and ethical beliefs. Indeed, Obamacare and the HHS-mandate are targeting the First Amendment right to freedom of religion and conscience. Rights endowed to us by our Creator.
And so today I urge you to stand up for our Constitution and the divine gift of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; to stand up for the First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and conscience; and most importantly, to challenge a government that violates personal freedoms, misrepresents preventive medical services and endangers the viability of organizations that cannot and will not breach their principles.
Finally, I leave you with a quote from Edmond Burke as a reminder of why we must act: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Thank you all for being here today.
Arland K. Nichols is the National Director of HLI America. He writes for the Truth and Charity Forum.
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